Learn the step-by-step, anti-hustle way to build a freelance writing business from scratch... even if you have NO experience, NO samples, NO niche, and NO college degree!

For the next 30 MINUTES ONLY, you can get $200 off the regular price of the Killer Cold Emailing course!

Get instant access now for just $697 $497 or 6 4 easy payments of $127!


This special offer to save $200 ends in less than 30 minutes!

Here’s the incredible value you’ll get when you join now:

✔️ Step-by-step lessons that teach you the proven process for landing high-paying freelance writing clients, even as a COMPLETE beginner!

✔️ A private, students-only community where you can ask questions, get feedback, and network with your new friends and supporters

✔️ Proven cold emailing templates that I and my students have used to quickly find writing work

✔️ Everything you need to know to market yourself as a freelance writer, even if you have ZERO experience!

✔️ BONUSES: $1,241 worth of extras, including my proven Freelance Writer Website Templates, The Profitable Client Master List, and more!

✔️ Remember… you SAVE $200 ON THE PRICE OF THE COURSE when you enroll now [ENDING SOON!]


…PLUS! Get this incredible, exclusive bonus training included when you pay in full for Killer Cold Emailing:

The $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Task List, and Training ($227 value!)

✔️ See exactly what tasks you need to focus on to make $1,000 freelance writing in your first 30 days.

✔️ Learn exactly how to structure your time and put key tasks into a calendar (example included!) .

✔️Discover the math behind making your first $1K, and learn how to “work backwards” to determine your writing rates with ease!

...This is your KEY to time management and fast results as a beginner freelance writer.

Get instant access to this exclusive bonus when you pay in full for Killer Cold Emailing!


 It’s time to learn how to market yourself and cold email so you can land high-paying freelance writing clients – even if you have ZERO experience!

Right now is your chance to enroll in my best-selling Killer Cold Emailing program for $200 off, and get over $1,200 in bonuses included.

Hurry! Your one-time opportunity to save $200 on Killer Cold Emailing ends in less than 30 minutes!

⤵️ Enroll now before the offer expires by clicking the button below. I’ll see you inside! ⤵️

>> YES! I want to enroll and save $200 on the course!

Start your freelance writing business from scratch and work from anywhere.

...Even if you have no experience, no college degree, no portfolio, and no freakin' clue where to begin!

Inside my best-selling Killer Cold Emailing program, you'll get the step-by-step, proven, anti-hustle method you need to go from clueless beginner to full-time writer, just like I did!

"I just want to know the EASY way to get writing clients as a beginner – so I can enjoy true financial freedom and be my own boss!"

...Have you felt like this too?

Maybe you're like I was when I started out as an inexperienced college dropout with big writing dreams, and you're asking yourself:


1) "“Can I really build a full-time writing business with no experience?

…Like, actually?”

In spite of “researching freelance writing,” It’s just not happening because you don't have a real plan or marketing strategy.

You're scared to take any real steps because you don't have experience, a degree, and/or a portfolio.


2) "How do I choose the right niche? ...It seems like I don't have any relevant work experience, and I don't know what's profitable!"

You’re wondering if the freelance writing niche you’re considering is profitable – you’ve been stalling for months over this all-important decision!

…OR you just plain have NO CLUE how to finally pick your niche / don't really understand niching down.


3) "I've researched freelance writing so much, but I'm still not making any real progress or getting high-paying clients!

You still don’t know how to get HIGH-PAYING writing clients, in spite of “researching it.” It’s just not happening, and you're scared to take any real steps because you don't have experience, a degree, and/or a portfolio. 

You’re eager for real, actionable steps to getting clients that do NOT include burning yourself out on the social media/content creation hamster wheel!


4) "I'm SO TIRED of not having financial freedom or control over my own life and schedule. I want the freedom WITHOUT the endless hustle!"

You daydream about becoming a freelance writer while you're at your day job, and would love to have the freedom to work from anywhere and make and incredible living doing it.

You're sick and tired of your "boss" limiting your financial freedom and the amount of time off you can take. You'd love to be able to take random days off to spend however YOU want – maybe even travel-full time, or finally get the flexibility you need to work on your novel!


You wish someone would just give you a REAL, proven, step-by-step process for landing high-paying writing clients, even with no experience – in a way that does NOT lead to burnout/overwhelm.

…That way, you could finally have true financial freedom, create your own schedule, and work from anywhere in the world!

Imagine what it will feel like to finally have a full-time freelance writing business you can run from home – or anywhere in the world! 🌎

Imagine only writing for 15-25 hours per week and making an incredible, full-time income.

…You’d gain SO MUCH free time to simply rest and relax, hang out with loved ones, spend time in nature, or work on your novel/music (or anything you’re passionate about!)

…You'd have so much more time for yourself, hopping off the burnout train and finally opting out of “urgency culture” in favor of true financial freedom, peace, and happiness.

…You could finally buy your dream home OR even travel full-time and start working toward the life you really want – all while doing what you love: writing!

...Heck, you could even travel full-time or move to the beach (I’ve personally done both thanks to the freedom and flexibility my business offers)!

You want this freedom-filled lifestyle so badly, but fear and a lack of marketing strategy has you completely frozen!

Right now, you’re asking yourself questions like:

  • How can I easily get high-paying writing clients with no experience / no college degree?

  • How can I pick a freelance writing niche when I don’t feel I have any relevant knowledge or work experience?

  • How do I get my first EVER writing samples and clients when I’ve never written professionally before?

  • How do I figure out how much to charge, and how can I set my writing rates as a beginner?

  • What exactly do I say in my cold emails as a beginner writer?

  • I’m scared to invest in myself! How can I take this step forward?

I’ve been there! I know there can be a lot of questions and confusion.


If you don’t have a proven plan to follow, it's virtually impossible to avoid career-stopping mistakes, like picking the wrong niche or saying the wrong things in your cold emails…

Without step-by-step guidance and support, it can be damn near impossible to make progress at all!

That’s why I created my best-selling online course that has helped over 2,500 students just like you...


Killer Cold Emailing is your step-by-step, proven process for landing high-paying freelance writing clients, even with NO EXPERIENCE.


Develop a business owner mindset, even if you’re a clueless beginner/college dropout like I was when I started!

✅ Finally choose your niche AND a profitable clientele – with CONFIDENCE and step-by-step guidance

✅ Create your niche-optimized writer website and samples the EASY way

✅ Quickly and easily find email addresses and learn my personal favorite tools and proven processes

✅ Send client-winning cold emails with my high-converting, copy-and-paste, customizable templates specifically for freelance writers (I don’t share these anywhere else!)

Handle client quotes and calls with finesse and confidence, even if you’re a nervous beginner!

…And take yourself from total beginner → full-time freelance writer so you can gain financial freedom and live the life you want!

...But you MUST enroll before time runs out to save $200 on the price.

Killer Cold Emailing Sarah

Meet Sarah, who went from working in content mills to making $8,000-$12,000 per month writing after using the step-by-step Killer Cold Emailing strategy!

"In the first month after I took the course, I made $1,000 more than I ever had before.

And now, I make between $8,000 and $12,000 per month!

After about 5 months, I stopped needing to reach out for work as it started coming to me by word of mouth. The course was seriously a game changer for me. Thank you, Jorden!"

– Sarah T, Killer Cold Emailing student

Meet Nabeel, who landed $2,800 in client work within about 3 weeks of implementing what he learned inside Killer Cold Emailing!

"After implementing what I learned and correcting my previous mistakes, I got one client on a monthly retainer for weekly blog posts

So far they’ve paid $2,300. I also got another client to pay me $500 for a one-off. 

So that’s a total of $2,800 (and still counting) off cold emailing alone, and that’s just since February!"

– Nabeel, Killer Cold Emailing student

Meet Krystal, who landed 3 high-paying clients at over $1,200 each (that's a total of $3,600!) within just TWO WEEKS of enrolling in Killer Cold Emailing.

"I was able to attract and write for three high-paying clients all over $1,200 for each project the second week since enrolling in the course.

As compared to previously having zero or one client response (usually stating my services were not needed) to 6-8 clients a week responding and at least 4 wanting me to write for their company. That is a major improvement!"

– Krystal, Killer Cold Emailing student

Why is cold emailing the BEST and most "ANTI-HUSTLE" way to start freelance writing?

👉 Because it allows you to get high-paying clients simply by firing off emails in your PJs using my proven templates...

Even if you have ZERO experience and no college degree!

Let's break it down!

Here's why cold emailing is the #1 way for beginner writers to get clients:

👉 1. NO need to post on social media AT ALL... meaning YES to peace and being present and NO to "social media hamster wheel" overwhelm!

The LAST thing you want to do is stress over posting content and end up on the "social media hamster wheel" daily, which will lead to overwhelm and burnout.

With Killer Cold Emailing, you do not have to post on social media AT ALL. Period. Great for introverts. ;)

That way, you can build business that allows you to be present and enjoy your life!

👉 2. NO ultra-competitive platforms with shady "clients" that force you to "race to the bottom" and compete by setting for less than minimum wage... meaning YES to making a great living writing from day ONE!

Instead of competing based on "which freelancer can offer the lowest price," in Killer Cold Emailing, you'll learn how to set a great writing rate in a way that feels right for you, even as a beginner, with step-by-step advice!

👉 3. NO job board feast and famine cycle or reliance on other "sites" that take a huge cut of your pay... meaning YES to true financial freedom and control over your life and career!

Cold emailing the right way allows you to call all of the shots and start a REAL business so you can get REAL financial freedom that does not depend on any platform and sets you completely apart from other writers.

...And a huge YES to landing clients on repeat simply by sending cold emails from bed in your PJs with proven templates! 🎉


Bottom line?

Cold emailing is your key to creating a calm, profitable writing business on YOUR terms.


You have to do it the RIGHT way to succeed!

...That's why Killer Cold Emailing walks you through the ENTIRE process step-by-step!

It is completely different than ANY course/approach you’ve seen before.

This step-by-step, proven program is about SO much more than just “cold emailing!”

Because here’s the big secret most beginner writers don’t understand…

You *ABSOLUTELY MUST* have a specific 3-piece niche marketing strategy in place the right way *BEFORE* you send a single cold email!


 🌟...If you’re missing just ONE piece of the “puzzle” OR you've approached ANY part of it the wrong way, your entire marketing strategy is thrown off, leaving you client-less, no matter how good of a cold email you send!  🌟

…That’s why, in addition to learning cold emailing, you learn the entire niche marketing strategy (or "puzzle") too, step-by-step, inside of Killer Cold Emailing!

That way, you can easily get clients just by firing off some cold emails in your PJs using simple templates. :)

I also want you to know:

🌟 Killer Cold Emailing is my strategy I personally developed from scratch and not something you’ll learn anywhere else. 🌟

It’s based on my own experience quickly building a successful writing business as an inexperienced college dropout with no connections, which is why it’s so popular among beginner freelance writers.

You’re getting my exact process I used as a beginner... and still use today to pitch myself! :)

That's why course has been a best-seller for over 6 years with over 2,500 amazing students just like you!


👎 You’re too afraid to start freelance writing because you don’t feel like you’re “experienced” enough.

👎 You have no writing niche OR you can’t decide on a niche because you feel like you don’t know what niche is profitable!

👎 You don’t want to spend your life overwhelmed by social media, with the urgent pull to post constantly to get clients. You know there has to be a better way than social media burnout!

👎 You want financial freedom –but you don't know how to get it, and you feel so lost and aimless.

👎 You feel totally confused and stuck when it comes to getting clients. You've "researched" freelance writing but haven't made real progress.

👎 Your schedule and time off is dictated by your boss, and you’re SO. OVER. IT.


🎉 You’re so excited to write from home in your PJs every day, and proud you finally stepped toward your writing dreams!

🎉 Your family and friends are jealous when you tell them that you’re a full-time freelance writer. They wish they had all the freedom you do!

🎉 You get clients simply by sending cold emails in your PJs, using simple and effective templates.

🎉 You don’t post on social media at all, and yet, your inbox is full of brand spankin’ new clients.


🎉 You take random days off when YOU want to! You love your new financial freedom and time freedom.

🎉 You’re finally able to get your dream home OR you decide to live out your dream of traveling full-time!

I’ve seen this incredible "before and after" transformation in my own life thanks to my business.

...And I'm a college dropout, plus, most of my work experience before this was call centers and retail!


That means if I can do this, you can too!

You can have it all too by following the simple steps in Killer Cold Emailing... even if you’re a beginner and college dropout like I was!


(AKA: What you'll learn to grow your work-from-anywhere freelance writing business!)


Outline your writing business goals, set your writing rates, and learn essential mindset/time management skills.

  • ✅ See my personal, step-by-step goal-setting process, and get a fillable workbook to outline your goals just like I outline mine!

  • ✅ Learn my secret “Scream Scene” method for reaching your goals as a beginner freelance writer.

  • ✅ Discover REAL methods to shift into an entrepreneur mindset that go way deeper than surface level advice.

  • ✅ Finally get clarity on exactly how much to charge, even as a beginner writer, with a step-by-step lesson on writing rates!

  • ✅ Learn exactly what the “Freelance Writing Puzzle” is and why understanding it is CRITICAL to your success (most newbies mess this up!)

  • ✅ Exclusively access my personal approach to exceptional productivity and time management, with an example calendar and planner page!

...PLUS! You also get these beautifully designed resources:

  • 🌟 PDF: Freelance Writing Roadmap – See the “big picture” view of exactly what you need to do, and in what order. A great bird’s eye view of the strategy so you ALWAYS have clarity on what step is next!

  • 🌟 PDF: Goal-Setting Workbook – Never wonder what your goal should be! Simply use the lesson to fill out the workbook, and reference it as you build your business!


Finally, get the step-by-step process you need to CONFIDENTLY pick a profitable and enjoyable freelance writing niche!

  • Learn the 3 ways to niche down, even with zero experience or professional knowledge (and which one I recommend!), and gain a deep understanding of the 3 niche requirements so the decision is quick and easy!

  • ✅ Learn how to tell the difference between a “too wide” niche vs. a “too narrow” niche with clear examples that make it simple!

  • See LOADS of examples of how to niche down vs. how NOT to niche down.

  • ✅ Discover what a “Niche Umbrella” is, and how to use it to SUPERCHARGE your marketing as a beginner freelance writer.

  • ✅ See, step-by-step, exactly how to choose a profitable target clientele within your writing niche, with many examples!

  • ✅ Learn how to position yourself like an expert online, even when you’re a beginner... WITHOUT having to post on social media AT ALL! 

...PLUS! You also get this beautifully designed resource:

  • 🌟 PDF: Freelance Writing Niche Workbook – Your step-by-step, foolproof process for choosing a profitable and enjoyable freelance writing niche!


A simple method that WORKS, even if you’re not tech-savvy and you’ve never written online / never had a client before!

  • ✅ See the 4-step process clients go through when deciding whether or not to hire you… so you can use marketing psychology to your advantage on your writer website and get hired like crazy!

  • Discover my proven “N-P-T” method for creating a writing portfolio website that converts visitors to clients like crazy.

  • Get a step-by-step, detailed walkthrough (with examples and screenshots!) of what pages you need on your site and EXACTLY what goes on each page.

  • See the two writing sample “approaches” for beginners (no one talks about this – it’s a game-changer!).

  • ✅ Discover the 3 simple ways to get your writing published and get your first samples, even with no experience and no college degree.

...PLUS! You also get this beautifully designed resource:

  • 🌟 PDF: Niche Writing Sample Formulas – See 12 writing sample formulas for approaches you can use to get your first samples fast!


See how to find companies to pitch AND how to find the email addresses of the right people to pitch at those companies, with my top recommended tools and methods.

  • ✅ See how to find AMAZING companies you can work with as a total beginner, using simple methods!

  • ✅ Discover my absolute favorite cold emailing tools so you can find client email addresses quickly and easily, with an explanation of how to choose the right tool for your niche/clientele.

  • ✅ Discover common cold emailing “Search Term Mistakesmade by beginner freelance writers so you can avoid them!

  • ✅ See exactly how to plan and organize your lead-gathering vs. cold emailing in a simple calendar of your choosing.

  • ✅ See examples of how to find companies / email addresses in multiple different freelance writing niches!


Discover exactly how to structure and write incredible, client-winning cold emails, and learn introvert-friendly marketing psychology and non-sleazy sales skills!

  • ✅ Discover what the “YES! Factor” is and how to use it to skyrocket your cold emailing conversion rates. 

  • ✅ See exactly what cold emailing is and exactly how to get writing clients with your cold emails as a beginner.

  • Learn my effective “One Line Strategy” for cold emailing and exactly when/how to use it to improve conversions!

  • ✅ See exactly how and when to send follow-up emails that get you clients (spreadsheet/templates included!).

  • ✅ Learn about my super powerful “Disappearing Email” and how you can use it to skyrocket your cold emailing success!

...PLUS! You also get these beautifully designed resources:

  • 🌟 PDF: Cold Emailing Templates – Get THREE high-converting cold emailing templates (each in different niches so you have multiple examples!). Each template includes detailed sidebar notes from me about the strategy behind each section! All you’ve gotta do is copy/paste, customize a bit, and hit SEND. :)

  • 🌟 PDF: Follow-up TemplatesGet quick, proven, simple follow-up email templates and see examples in multiple niches!


Even if you're a total newbie, you're and introvert who gets major phone call anxiety and you’ve never sent a client quote in your life! 

  • ✅ Discover my secret “Q.R.S.” tool I’ve developed to crush client phone call anxiety and handle each call like a pro – even if you’re a terrified beginner!

  • ✅ See my unique “bookend” approach to feel calm and sound confident on every phone call.

  • ✅ See scripts for EXACTLY what to say when clients ask specific questions on the phone, like “How much do you charge?” or “When can you deliver this by?” 

  • ✅ Learn the simple method for sending a client quote like a pro, in a way that gets you paid more!

  • ✅ See my favorite business tools for running your new freelance writing business with ease!



In addition to the 6 incredible course modules, you also get over $1241 worth of amazing course bonuses when you join today!

Here's everything else you're getting when you join now:

🌟 BONUS #1: 🌟


See examples of profitable target clienteles in multiple niches – saves you HOURS of research! ($297 Value!)

See 50 examples of target clients you can cold email.

Includes examples in multiple niches, from mental health to wellness to B2B!

...This list can easily save you HOURS of research as you're figuring out the right niche/clientele!

(A $297 Value – Yours Free!)

🌟 BONUS #2: 🌟


Cheat sheets to take ALL the guesswork out of what goes on each page of your portfolio website! ($347 Value!)

See exactly how to design your writer website to convert the most visitors to clients!

You get an example of how all 5 pages on your site should look, plus a sidebar with my detailed notes on EXACTLY how to approach each section on EVERY PAGE!

Never, ever guess about how to approach creating/designing your site again – just follow the easy templates!

(A $347 Value – Yours Free!)

🌟 BONUS #3: 🌟


A helpful, supportive mastermind group full of freelance writers! ($597 Value!)

Never go at it alone!

You'll have a supportive community where you can ask your peers and fellow students questions and get feedback from fellow writers as you grow your writing business.

(A $597 value – yours free!)

🌟 We have successful students in all different kinds of niches!

The course will give you niche clarity and all the steps! 🌟

(No need to write in a "boring" or "business-y" niche if you don't want to. Check out the student stories below for examples of success in "weird" niches!)

Cierra landed a $1,400 mental health niche writing client after sending just one cold email using the Killer Cold Emailing method!

"I came across Jorden’s Youtube channel and immediately took a deep dive into her Killer Cold Emailing Course. Within 48 hours of starting the course, I sent out my first cold email and heard back with a contract offer for $1,400 before the week was over!

The templates really set you up for nothing but success!”

– Cierra B., Killer Cold Emailing Student and Mental Health/Self-help Copywriter

Amy landed a $700/mo client in the pet care writing niche during the pandemic after just ONE WEEK using the Killer Cold Emailing method... her first client EVER!

"This actionable course led me to land my first client within ONE WEEK of sending out cold emails. This client has turned into a $700/month income source and I've since landed two more clients... Each higher paying than the last one!"

– Amy N., Killer Cold Emailing Student

Tara got paid $1,200 for ONE blog post in the interior design / real estate niche!

"Since I’ve built my site, I’ve gotten consistent requests for work from it – and still do.

One client even paid me $1,200 for a single (feature-style) blog post.

It also helped me narrow down a niche, which I believe was essential to really building a name for myself. The course also encouraged me to raise my writing rates substantially!"

–Tara, Killer Cold Emailing student

🌟 You don't need any experience, a portfolio, a niche, or any writing samples to start! 🌟

...The course is how you LEARN to get those things. ;) Most of our students are beginners.

William, who says he was "swamped with new freelance writing clients" just after sending 30 cold emails using the Killer Cold Emailing method!

"This actionable course led me to land my first client within ONE WEEK of sending out cold emails. This client has turned into a $700/month income source and I've since landed two more clients... Each higher paying than the last one!"

– William, Killer Cold Emailing Student

Stephanie says, "“I was able to earn over $15,000 freelance writing in the last 4 months!”"

"“Jorden’s Killer Cold Emailing course gave me the confidence, motivation, and tools I needed to become a successful business owner as a writer! With her clear and direct approach, I was able to earn over $15,000 in the last 4 months!”

– Stephanie T., Killer Cold Emailing Student

How much is your financial freedom and control over your life/schedule worth to you?

Enroll before time runs out to save $200 on the price and get instant, lifetime access to Killer Cold Emailing!


When you join now, you will get:

  • Savings of $200 off the regular price of the course!
  • Instant access to the best-selling Killer Cold Emailing course ($697 Value!)
  • Exclusive access to my proven cold emailing templates for freelance writers ($197 Value!)
  • Loads of actionable resources, including a step-by-step niche workbook, writing sample formulas, goal-setting sheets, and more ($497 Value!)
  • Instant access to $1,241 worth of bonuses
  • Access to the private, students-only Facebook community
  • Exclusive "Pay In Full" Bonus: The "Make $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Class, and Checklist"
  • Save when you pay in full!

...All for an easy one-time payment of just $697 $497!




When you join now, you will get:

  • Savings of $200 off the regular price of the course!
  • Instant access to the best-selling Killer Cold Emailing course ($697 Value!)
  • Exclusive access to my proven cold emailing templates for freelance writers ($197 Value!)
  • Loads of actionable resources, including a step-by-step niche workbook, writing sample formulas, goal-setting sheets, and more ($497 Value!)
  • Instant access to $1,241 worth of bonuses
  • Access to the private, students-only Facebook community
  • Exclusive "Pay In Full" Bonus: The "Make $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Class, and Checklist"
  • Save when you pay in full!

...All for just 4 easy payments of $127!


Take Killer Cold Emailing at your own pace –from home OR anywhere with an internet connection!

You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch, the coffee shop down the street, or a co-working space in Bali… wherever you want!

The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private course portal. :)

And you'll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on YOUR schedule.

And if you’re wondering:

How long will it take to complete the course?

The answer is, it depends on you and your current situation. Many of our students are able to complete the lessons and start building their business and getting clients in a matter of weeks (some, much sooner – within just a few days)!

Others might take a couple extra months to take the course and implement what they learn. And that’s totally fine!

There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, because you get instant, lifetime access to the program and all future updates!

Even if you can’t take the course right away, still ENROLL NOW to lock in the limited-time special pricing and bonus bundle, and you can take it whenever you’re ready!


Every day you wait is a day you're missing out on financial freedom and control of your schedule and life!

Why should you start today instead of waiting another 6 months to a year to try?

Starting now will allow you to:

  • Cold email NOW so you can start getting clients quickly. Every day you wait is a day you could’ve been closer to quitting your day job!
  • Get your business set up and start getting clients NOW so you can be your own boss ASAP.
  • Grow your income and gain financial freedom… while doing something you love from home or anywhere in the world with an internet connection!

Keep putting it off, and you'll likely wake up in 6 months with

—-> 👎 The same soul-sucking job.

—-> 👎 The same confusion and "researching" freelance writing but not actually progressing

—-> 👎 The same lack of high-paying clients, with no control over your financial situation or schedule

6 months from now, you’ll wish you had started today.

The good news?

You can easily start RIGHT NOW, with the proven, step-by-step, beginner-friendly plan inside of Killer Cold Emailing! 🎉


  • You're ready to start getting paid to write from home (or anywhere in the world!). You're so excited to gain financial freedom and control over your schedule/life!

  • You're serious about taking bold action and ready to learn and implement simple, proven marketing strategies. You know you have to feel the fear and take action anyway, and you're willing to take that first step!

  • You understand basic grammar/spelling. Note: This does NOT mean you are always confident or that you write perfectly 100% of the time. No one feels like that / does that! ;)

  • You're a total beginner with zero experience OR you have some experience but aren't getting the clients you want / aren't getting amazing cold emailing results


  • Anyone who is not interested in making money freelance writing or who has a negative mindset about marketing themselves online

  • Writers who want to write their own fiction books, poetry, etc. (Note: Fiction ghostwriting for clients is fine!) This course teaches you how to write for clients because that's the quickest way to build a profitable freelance writing business.

  • You lack any basic understanding of spelling and grammar. You know that just about every sentence you write has multiple errors in it, and you're unwilling to improve or work with an editor / proofreading software.

  • You're an advanced freelance writer with a full pipeline of clients and no interest in improving your marketing/pitches/cold emails


IT'S YOUR TIME to gain financial freedom and control over your time by building your work-from-anywhere freelance writing business from scratch! 🎉

Right now, you have 2 options...


Keep "researching" and "reading about" freelance writing, but never actually making progress or getting clients.

...Which means you stay stuck, with no financial freedom and no control over your time and schedule. 😞


Get your step-by-step, proven plan for starting freelance writing with no experience by joining Killer Cold Emailing!

You can finally get clients with ease, and gain the financial freedom and control over your time you've always wanted! 🎉

You CAN do this, even if you have no experience, no niche, no portfolio, and no clue how to start!

(The course helps you with ALL of those things, step by step!)


That's okay! You do not need any experience at all to grow your writing business with Killer Cold Emailing.

In fact, most of our students are beginners! This course walks you through EVERY step to getting your first clients, even with zero experience.


...Or maybe you're not sure whether or not your desired niche is profitable. Either way, this course is a great fit for you!

You will VALIDATE your desired niche with the course's step-by-step lessons and/or choose a niche from scratch, even if you don't have any professional work experience to pull from!


You can take the course ANY TIME! You get lifetime access, and it's totally self-paced.

Even if you have upcoming obligations, still ENROLL NOW because I don't know how much longer I'll offer this bonus bundle and special low pricing. Lock the deal in now, and take the course when you're ready!


You will almost certainly make your investment back with just a couple writing clients!

So many of our students who are now success stories come into the course with concerns about the investment... but they're so happy they did when they see how in-depth and different this course is!

...What is financial freedom, control over your time/life, and getting your dream career WORTH to you?

Don't let a hesitancy to invest stand in your way. Our program has over 2,500 students just like you and is a proven process tested for YEARS!

🌟 HIRING ME 1-1 WOULD COST $2,000+ (and I'm not taking on clients!)...

🌟 TAKING A COLLEGE COURSE ON WRITING/MARKETING COULD COST OVER $1,500 (and you wouldn't even learn practical steps to get clients or be any closer to financial freedom!)...



(Or 4 easy payments of $129!)

How much is your financial freedom and control over your life/schedule worth to you?

LAST CHANCE: Enroll before time runs out to save $200 on the price and get instant, lifetime access to Killer Cold Emailing!



When you join now, you will get:

  • Savings of $200 off the regular price of the course!
  • Instant access to the best-selling Killer Cold Emailing course ($697 Value!)
  • Exclusive access to my proven cold emailing templates for freelance writers ($197 Value!)
  • Loads of actionable resources, including a step-by-step niche workbook, writing sample formulas, goal-setting sheets, and more ($497 Value!)
  • Instant access to $1,241 worth of bonuses
  • Access to the private, students-only Facebook mastermind group
  • Exclusive "Pay In Full" Bonus: The "Make $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Class, and Checklist"
  • Save when you pay in full!

...All for an easy one-time payment of just $697 $497!



When you join now, you will get:

  • Savings of $200 off the regular price of the course!
  • Instant access to the best-selling Killer Cold Emailing course ($697 Value!)
  • Exclusive access to my proven cold emailing templates for freelance writers ($197 Value!)
  • Loads of actionable resources, including a step-by-step niche workbook, writing sample formulas, goal-setting sheets, and more ($497 Value!)
  • Instant access to $1,241 worth of bonuses
  • Access to the private, students-only Facebook mastermind group
  • Exclusive "Pay In Full" Bonus: The "Make $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Class, and Checklist"
  • Save when you pay in full!

...All for just 4 easy payments of $127!



Due to the fact we have helped over 2,500 students with our tried-and-true Killer Cold Emailing process for over 6 years, and due to the instant access nature of this program, we do not offer refunds under any circumstances.

No refunds/cancellations for Killer Cold Emailing or any other of our other products.

If you choose the payment plan, you are required to make all of the payments in full.

We're more than confident that our strategies work (if you do!). Please read through the module breakdown on this page and check out the many testimonials, and make sure you understand this policy before enrolling!

Thank you for respecting this policy! I'm thrilled to welcome you into the course. Feel free to reach out at hello@writingrevolt.com with any questions about the program.

"What happens when I join Killer Cold Emailing?"

...You get instant access to the course, meaning you could be taking it in less than a minute!

1. First, you'll receive an email from me welcoming you into the program!

2. The email will contain your link to log into the course platform / your link to the Facebook group.

...That's it! You're in, and you have your lifetime access to the course. :)

If you have any access issues whatsoever, please reach out at hello@writingrevolt.com and we'll make sure to get you in!


1. Will this work for the ____ niche? Or, what if I don't have a niche?

We have students across so many niches! Everything from cannabis to pet care to mental health and beyond.

The course will help you either validate your desired niche OR choose a profitable niche / pivot to a more profitable niche if needed.

Bottom line: You will get CLARITY on how to choose the right niche and target clientele, even if you don't feel like you have any relevant career experience / knowledge!

2. What if I don't have any experience, or I'm not confident in myself?

If you wait until you feel like you’re an expert at everything… you’ll never start anything. ;) You have to do it scared!

Most of our students are beginners!

The course is how you learn to get clients, and you only learn by doing. Confidence comes with time and doing the work!

3. How long will I have access to the course?

You're getting instant, lifetime access when you join today! That means as long as the course is offered (which I expect to be a very long time), you've got access.

You can take the course on your own time and schedule!

4. What if I'm super busy now and concerned about the time it'll take to take the course?

Still join so you can lock in the $200 savings and this incredible bonus offer!

You can take the course whenever you're ready to take it.

5. What, if anything, else will I need to invest in?

Mostly, you just need a computer and the willingness to start! ;) You will also need to get website hosting for your portfolio website (a bare minimum business essential for any online business!). Good news: we provide a special discount link for that in the course! Many of our cold emailing methods we recommend are free, so you can choose whether or not to invest further – that isn't required!

6. What is the refund policy?

Due to the instant access nature of this product and due to the fact that it is a proven process we've taught to over 2,500 students for over 6 years, we do not offer any refunds. If you choose the payment plan, you are responsible for making each payment in full. Thank you for respecting this policy!

5. What format is the course delivered in?

The course is primarily delivered as video lessons, with voiceovers over detailed text explaining everything.

That means it's gonna be great for you whether you're a more visual learner or more of an audio learner. ;)

You also get workbooks that are PDFs, which you can download and fill out as you learn.

8. Is this course really worth it? How is it different?

I've been running this course for over 6 years, with over 2,500 students!

You're getting my proven process that I developed MYSELF as a beginner freelance writer and college dropout, not recycled content pulled from other people's courses, and not a process that only works for experienced writers / people with special skills and connections.

As fas as being worth it...

How much is your financial freedom and control over your own schedule worth to you?

Hi there! I'm Jorden. :)

...And I’m obsessed with COLD EMAILING!

That’s because cold emailing completely changed my life by allowing me to create a wildly successful freelance writing career –– even as an inexperienced college dropout!

Killer Cold Emailing is where you’ll learn the exact, step-by-step marketing strategy that took me from broke college dropout to $5,000/mo freelance writer in just 4 months after losing my full-time job.

I've been teaching this program for over 6 years, and it has over 2,500 students. After all that time, I can confidently say that this shit changes lives. ;) I've had so many students reach out to say that what they learned from the course allowed them to buy their dream home, travel full-time, and finally live life on their own terms!

If you're reading this, you're here for a reason, and I want you to know all of this is possible for you too, if you're willing to bet on yourself just a little bit. I can't wait to welcome you in and hear all about your success story!

– Jorden

🌟 Know that it's NORMAL and expected to feel afraid or hesitant.

...You just have to have the willingness to take a small step forward in the right direction!

Or, as I like to say...

"To change your life, you have to feel the fear and do it anyway!" 🌟

How much is your financial freedom and control over your life/schedule worth to you?

This special, one-time offer ends soon.

Enroll now to save $200 on the price and get instant, lifetime access to Killer Cold Emailing!



When you join now, you will get:

  • Savings of $200 off the regular price of the course!
  • Instant access to the best-selling Killer Cold Emailing course ($697 Value!)
  • Exclusive access to my proven cold emailing templates for freelance writers ($197 Value!)
  • Loads of actionable resources, including a step-by-step niche workbook, writing sample formulas, goal-setting sheets, and more ($497 Value!)
  • Instant access to $1,241 worth of bonuses
  • Access to the private, students-only Facebook mastermind group
  • Exclusive "Pay In Full" Bonus: The "Make $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Class, and Checklist"
  • Save when you pay in full!

...All for an easy one-time payment of just $697 $497!




When you join now, you will get:

  • Savings of $200 off the regular price of the course!
  • Instant access to the best-selling Killer Cold Emailing course ($697 Value!)
  • Exclusive access to my proven cold emailing templates for freelance writers ($197 Value!)
  • Loads of actionable resources, including a step-by-step niche workbook, writing sample formulas, goal-setting sheets, and more ($497 Value!)
  • Instant access to $1,241 worth of bonuses
  • Access to the private, students-only Facebook mastermind group ($397 Value!)
  • Exclusive "Pay In Full" Bonus: The "Make $1K in 30 Days Calendar, Class, and Checklist"
  • Save when you pay in full!

...All for just six four easy payments of $127!
